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Zucchini & Goatcheese Lasagna


An international version of the most typical Italian dish: lasagna taste with a glimpse of zucchini & goatcheese.

It takes approximately 90 minutes to be prepared and it's ideal to serve 6-8 people.

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  1. Start with the zucchini: wash and cut them into small cubes of about 2cm. Cook them in a pan with oil and a pinch of salt for 2-3 minutes. Remove them halfway through cooking: they should remain crisp. So add a bit of olive oil and the finely chopped onion.
  2. Remove the dried tomatoes from the oil and dab them with paper towels; then cut them into small pieces.
  3. Toast the flour over low heat for few minutes then add cold milk, all at once.Cook it on the fire for approximately 10 minutes, stirring constantly, until you have a thick white sauce (bechamel!). Finally add salt, pepper and the nutmeg.
  4. Pour the bottom of the baking tin with a layer of bechamel and cover it with a layer of lasagna pasta. Continue with a layer of bechamel sauce, then a layer of zucchini and dried tomatoes with goat cheese flakes on top. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and continue with the layers until all the ingredients are used. Finish with bechamel, Parmesan cheese, zucchini and dried tomatoes.
  5. Bake in the oven at 180 ° for approximately 40 minutes.

Serve it warm and with love.



© Made by Allegra Bandinelli as part of ESPI Marker Days 2016